Research and Learning
Research and Learning
Our research and learning program aims to perform research on LGBTQ and SOGIESC rights, issues, challenges, and opportunities to share valuable information with key stakeholders. Integrating an inclusive approach towards the LGBTQ community in humanitarian and development efforts and the public sector is essential to creating a more equitable and sustainable world.
Through this program, we will conduct research and analysis to identify the diverse and complex issues affecting the LGBTQ community and the opportunities and challenges that need to be addressed to support them. We will share our findings and learning outcomes with key stakeholders such as governments, NGOs, UN agencies, and the private sector.
Our approach emphasizes knowledge sharing and capacity building in which we will collaborate on research and information sharing, workshops, and training programs, helping to integrate inclusive strategies and practices and promote equity. We will also create educational and awareness-raising materials in collaboration with stakeholders to reach broader audiences.
By producing research, information sharing, capacity building, and advocacy, we seek to create a broader understanding and recognition of the SOGIESC community's diversity, challenges, and potential contributions to society.